Start with

water that fills
your heart.

Start with water that fills
your heart.

How you keep your day is the most important part of your life’s success. Start with a beautiful glass of water every day and you will know the difference. Life and science teaches you that good drinking water is essential to keep you healthy and energetic. This is the core of Aleph’s beliefs too. Aleph is more than packaged drinking water for good homes. Aleph is a commitment. Aleph is a promise. Aleph is a vision. If Aleph can energise your day, it energises us in return. Fill your heart with goodness. And the world will change for the better by itself.

18 Steps to


How you keep your day is the most important part of your life’s success.

18 Steps to goodness.

How you keep your day is the most important part of your life’s success.

Happy drinking.

Easy prising.

3 options to choose from

Counter top dispenser

Counter top

  • Easy on kitchen cabinets
  • Fits on table tops

with fridge

Dispenser with fridge

  • Best for all home spaces, including TV rooms, drawing rooms etc.

Bottom loading dispenser

Bottom loading

  • Enhances the beauty
    of dining spaces and

Aleph care

24 x 7 technical support